Lemon meringue pie
Lemon meringue pie
For the dough
140g of flour
50g of sugar
70g softened butter + one to butter the mussels
1 whole egg
For the lemon curd
2 lemons
2 egg yolks
80g of sugar
15g of Maïzena
For the meringue
2 egg whites
30g of sugar
30g icing sugar
From the dough
Mix the flour with the sugar, dig a well and add the softened butter and the egg and knead by hand until a smooth paste is formed. Form a ball and place an hour in the refrigerator
This time, preheat the oven to 210 ° C
Divide the dough into 4, spread it and darken some buttered tartlet molds
Prick the bottom of the pies with a fork, cover with baking paper and fill with ceramic balls (or dried beans / split peas etc
Reduce the temperature to 180 ° C and bake for 10 minutes. Then remove the leaves and cooking balls, then continue cooking for 5 minutes so that the pies begin to brown
Let cool on a rack outside the oven
From the curd lemond
Prepare the lemon curd (click) by following my recipe
Once cooled, pour it into the pie shell
From the meringue
Whisk the egg whites, once almost firm add the sugar, continue to whisk a little more then add the icing sugar to squeeze the whites and obtain a very shiny meringue that forms a bird's beak on the whip
Dress the meringue with a piping bag and blow a blow quickly.
In the same way but without the dough, we can make pretty verrines with biscuits crumbled in the bottom (Breton pucks, speculoos ...), faster but also effective for a nice lemony dessert