What helps with circulatory problems

What helps with circulatory problems
When the circulation causes problems, many people suffer from it. They feel tired and limp, do not get going in the morning. Every fourth adult in Germany even has to deal with morbid vertigo

Furthermore, around five million Germans have low blood pressure. But no reason to head in the sand. Numerous natural helpers (such as hawthorn) support normal blood pressure, and in particular, people with symptoms of Schwinis and blackness in mind can benefit. And you can be active by changing your own behavior, for example, to strengthen your circulation

Become active with our tips to reduce your dizziness and boost the microcirculation in the inner ear. Because here is often the cause of a sense of balance gone out of joint
How is dizziness
Dizziness is the most common nervous system symptom after headache. The reasons for this lie in the false communication between brain and inner ear

Because here lies the center of the sense of balance. The inner ear gives feedback to the brain about location and acceleration. However, if the sensory organs pass on contradictory information to your brain - the eye provides information other than the ear - your brain is irritated and dizziness is the result. Alternatively, dizziness can occur if the brain can not process the incoming signals properly. Often the triggers are also disorders or irritations of the sense of balance

But there are many other common causes of dizziness. In general, low blood pressure counts among them, which is particularly prevalent in women and the elderly. Also, iron deficiency or poor circulation can be responsible for it. External factors include weather sensitivity, stress or smoking
When does circulatory weakness appear
There are situations that are quite typical of the circulation causing problems. For example, when you get up too fast or bend over. Even after long periods of sitting or standing, such as long car, bus and train rides or long-haul flights. Standing and sedentary occupations such as salesmen or office workers are generally more vulnerable to circulatory failure

In hot and humid weather, a hair dryer or under hot temperatures, the cycle can sometimes be exhausted

In general, a lack of exercise, previous heavy weight loss or a compromised condition can be the cause of a poor condition of your circulation, such as during menstruation or if you have, for example, too little drunk or slept. Stress can also affect your circulation
What to do in acute dizzy spells
This way, your blood pressure can be quickly stabilized again in the acute case: It is best to first sit down, eat something salty and drink enough, if possible, half a liter of water within a short time. Even a cold washcloth, which is placed on the neck, can help the blood pressure on the jumps again, make the vessels closer and thus stimulate the blood circulation

Herbal drops of ginger, rosemary, gingko and hawthorn, for example, can support the circulatory functions. In acute situations just drip on a sugar cube and suck. Appropriate drops can also be taken preventively. In general, it is also crucial that you permanently take care of a healthy cardiovascular system
Exercise strengthens circulation
Not only your muscles and metabolism benefit from regular exercise, your circulation is also positively influenced. If you move several times a week, you strengthen your heart and promote a healthy blood circulation

Moderate and longer intervals of motion over 30 minutes are best. In general, your blood circulation stabilizes a healthy lifestyle

These include a balanced diet, adequate daily intake, weight control and abstinence from nicotine and alcohol

Power of nature in dizziness
There are many traditional remedies that have been used for dizziness and circulatory problems ever since. This includes rosemary, because it improves blood circulation and stimulates circulation. Hawthorn supports healthy blood pressure and Ginkgo supports blood circulation. Mate leaves help strengthen the body with stimulating and invigorating properties. Ginger counteracts dizziness with stimulating and invigorating effects

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